Tooth Extraction

Decay or infection has reached deep into the tooth


Do you have yellow teeth? We can help.


If you're missing a tooth or two, we can help.
Tips for healthy teeth

At Chatworth Centre Dentistry we care about your Teeth

You can avoid many tooth conditions by taking care of your teeth. Follow these tips to keep your teeth strong and healthy
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Common tooth conditions

Your teeth perform many functions on a daily basis, which makes them susceptible to a variety of conditions.


Tooth cavities are small holes caused by a buildup of bacteria and acid on the surface of a tooth.

Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is sometimes called gum disease. It’s an infection of the gums.

Tooth erosion

The breakdown and loss of enamel caused by acid or friction. Acidic foods & drinks can cause it.


The main symptoms are extreme pain and sensitivity in the affected tooth.


Malocclusion is the misalignment of teeth. This can cause crowding, underbites, or overbites.

Tooth impaction

It’s common in wisdom teeth, but it can also occur when a baby tooth falls out before the permanent tooth is ready to come in.

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Phone: (031) 403 6512

What We Offer

Why People Choose Chatworth Centre Dentistry

We are devoted to providing high-quality dental care to all of our patients. We also provide preventative and restorative services that help you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile while also ensuring the health of your mouth.

Friendly Staffs

Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is here to help you

Convenient Care

simple and affordable way to take care of your health

Experience Doctors

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Service We Provide

Providing Dental Care For The Chatsworth Community


Dental Crowns

Are you currently dealing with missing or damaged teeth? If so, then

Dental Bridges

If you have missing teeth, your dentist can close — or bridge

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a great option for missing teeth or for those
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